Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday we went to SESAME STREET LIVE!!!!!!!! How exciting! I think the parents were very excited. I couldn't wait to see the expression on Chase's little face! We prepped him and talked about going to see ELMO and the other characters. We put on our sesame street shirts and headed out to the coliseum to meet the Peele Family. Chase watched the entire show and loved it. Every time Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, or Bert left the stage, he would ask were they went. It was a really cute show and I'm so glad we took him. This event will lead up to the Sesame Street themed Birthday Party we have planned for him in a couple of weeks!!!! I think I get more excited about these things than the kids. I LOVE THIS STUFF!

Fun with Bryson
The second day Rich was gone last week, Chase and I went to my mom's to hang out that day...with them coming to get us and taking us back home. That evening we ate yummy Chick Fil' A and then let the boys play in the back yard. Not sure what's so fascinating about the hill, but they ran up and down it several times. They also played in the water table like 2 silly boys would do.....dunking their face to drink it, splashing themselves and one another, and trying to tip the table over. Overall, they had a great time hanging out!

Fun at Granny's (Early Birthday Present)
Bryson and Chase are almost 2 years old!!!!!! It's so hard to believe. I get sad to think of it because that means they are approaching the preschool age, getting bigger, less dependent, etc. Bryson and Chase have received their largest birthday gift.....a big boy swingset! They love it so much. This will be so much fun this summer and for many years to come. I know they will get more presents at their parties too. Bryson will be 2 on May 27 and his party will be May 30...... Chase will be 2 on June 19 and his party on June 20! What a BUSY couple of weekends ahead! I will post more of the whole swingset soon....they were still working on landscaping it and making it safe for these wild toddlers!

When Daddy wasn't Looking! Hehe!
When your child is stuck at home for a day and has lots of energy....you need to think outside the box to keep them busy and not in trouble. Chase is so used to releasing his energy at school, so sometimes he gets cabin fever easy. I remembered that I purchased this baby stroller at Target after Christmas for about $5.00, so I put it together and Chase was entertained the remainder of the day. He wanted the baby to ride it with his trains and cars. It was cute to hear him talk to the baby, "Here baby...hold the train." He switched the cars and trains often.

Home with Mommy
Daddy's Softball Game
Chase and I rarely get to attend Rich's softball games due to the late times (8:30 and 9:30), but last week he had a 6:30 game.....so we decided to go! Chase was super excited every time Rich came in to the dugout. He would run up to him, squeal, and hug his legs. It was the sweetest thing EVER! It was if he was getting to touch his real-life HERO! When Rich was pitching, Chase would scream, "Go Daddy" or "Go Grace." I really think we will have a sports star on our hands in the near future. He wanted to throw the softballs and swing the bat. He was in awe of the game!

Having Breakfast with ELMO
Fell out of the BED! :o)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My NEW Pilot!!!!!!!!!!
I truly didn't think it was possible....for me to own another new Honda Pilot, but today, the unthinkable was possible! Rich and I made our way to Crown Honda and "wheeled and dealed" to get this Pilot. I was so proud of us, especially Rich. This was his first true experience at haggling to get the price we wanted. He stood his ground and didn't let up :o) The past couple of weeks I was a bit stressed and sad. First of all, I lost the Pilot that I bought brand new in 2005. I loved that truck. It had everything you could possibly want (leather, DVD, great safety features, 3rd row, etc...) in a vehicle. It was great for my job, my son, and for me. I was so sad the past couple of weeks. I thought I was going to have to settle for a new truck that was less that what I had previously owned. I didn't feel that was fair. I wasn't the careless driver that made the mistake, so why should I compromise the amenities of what I was used to having. Well today, I was able to get a 2009 Pilot fully loaded like my previous Pilot! I LOVE IT!!!!! It has 10 airbags! Holy Cow. I feel safer already! The bad part....I still can't drive :( We had to get the salesman to drive it to our house. Rich test drove another Pilot just like this one just different exterior and interior colors, but in the end I wanted this one. Although I am still sore from the accident, I am thrilled to have this new truck and now I don't have to look online or at every car lot we pass. I can truly focus on getting better and back to my normal life. This is the 6th vehicle I have ever owned.....the 5th HONDA~~I am a loyal customer and one happy girl. Thank you Rich, for understanding that loyalty. It's all I've ever known and I *hate* change (with certain things)!

Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday was a beautiful day....it was Mother's Day! Rich and Chase bought me the "C" initial charm necklace that I am wearing in this picture and a sweet Willow Tree Mother's keepsake box with a little boy and his mom on the lid. We went out for lunch and came back home to just simply hang out. What a peaceful day! I could list many reasons why I love being a mom to Chase...but I will save that. I do not have the will power to refrain from crying right now, so I will end by saying, "Rich and Chase are true love and blessings to me!" I am lucky!

Bye-Bye CRIB.....Hello TODDLER BED
Chase sleeps on a raised cot at school everyday and he has slept in a toddler bed at my mom's when he has stayed the night, but I was hoping he could be a little baby forever and I wouldn't have to convert his crib at home :o) After hearing the big *thump* of Chase falling out of the toddler bed at Rich's mom's house on Friday night, we decided to make a move as soon as we got back home. Rich converted the bed when we got home. I wasn't sure if I was ready because I didn't really have that "last time in your crib before big boy bed" talk or emotional night with him. We just kind of did it. If I would have known this would happen on Saturday, I would have talked to him about it and savored the moment on Thursday before I put him in the crib for the last time. However, with all of the other stressful and emotional things going on in our lives right now, it may have been best this way. Chase will be staying at Nana's house for a couple of days in June, so since I am at home the next couple of weeks to help train him in a toddler bed, now was the time. I just can't believe how fast they grow up.

Pool time at Nana's
When Rich took his Mom to get the ceiling fans for her house, they brought Chase back a pool to play in....I think he was expecting to wear his swimming jacket (frog floatation jacket). He loved playing in the pool so much. He will like this in a couple of weeks when he stays with Nana while Mommy and Daddy celebrate their 5 year anniversary in Williamsburg, VA.

Nana's House
On Saturday (before Mother's Day) we stayed to hang out with Rich's mom (Nana) for the majority of the day. Rich helped his mom hang some ceiling fans around the house and that gave me, Nana and Chase time to chill out :) While those two went to buy the ceiling fans, Chase and I walked around outside and tested out the swing.

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