Saturday, August 30, 2008
Child Labor for Labor Day it okay :o)
Although Chase was a bit on the fussy side today he sure did help Mommy & Daddy out with our housework. He swiffered in the morning and after dinner. Looks like Chase wants us to hurry up with that Chore Payment Plan....he is buttering up...maybe he knows the holidays are just around the corner :)

Mean ol' Molars!!!
Chase has been a little "cranky crab" today. I think it's those mean ol' molars! As you can see from the pictures, his bottom left molar has cut through but the right side is swollen. He also has one top molar cut, but again....the other one is swollen. His gums are also swollen where the eye teeth are due to arrive. He was quite fussy today! Poor lil' monkey!

I'm learning way too fast
Friday, August 29, 2008
Chase's CHORE!!!!
I am a firm believer in Chores... I hated them as a kid, but realized it did help my mom out and I became more appreciative as an adult (wow, that was kinda deep huh?). Well about 2 weeks ago, I decided Chase needed to have a chore to do on a daily basis. Since he LOVES Chloe so much, why not give him the daily chore of giving her a treat before he leaves for school. Turned out, he also LOVES his chore, Yay for Mommy! He gets so excited when I say, "Chase, it's time for Chloe's treat!" He giggles and runs right for her treat jar. This is a glimpse of his chore from this morning! He is such a big helper and Chloe follows him right to her bed for a delicious lil' treat! Mommy is still working on a fair payment plan for a 1 year old.....any suggestions :o)

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Already "acting" for the camera
Dinner tonight was interesting. I guess since Chase's debut in this new 1s class he wants to do "everything" himself. Great, right? ugh! I guess it's something Mommy has to let go see, I am a little particular about the amount of food Chase intakes. I need for him to have a full belly so he will sleep well. I am aware this is probably a myth....but please don't burst my bubble :o) Since he wants to do everything himself, including feeding, it's hard to know how much he's actually you can see....he is wearing more than he consumed :) Chase knew he was being cute tonight, so Daddy grabbed the camera and snapped away! Chase said, "cheeeeesseee" each time he held the camera up. He smiled with his eyes open, closed, and even tilted his head back ~what a little ham! He loves getting his picture taken!

What a Cutie Patoodie!
Here are a few pictures of Chase this morning before school. He was so handsome! I asked him where his shoes were and he looked to find them and then clicked them together creating the sign for shoes and saying "stu!" What a smartie artie! He also decided to get upclose and personal with the cat while she was eating her breakfast. She loves the attention!

Looking at his shoes

Attempting to put them on
Looking at his shoes
Attempting to put them on
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Still Going Strong!
Chase did well with Day 2! Mommy dropped him off in a bit of a hurry this morning due to the yucky weather. I don't think Chase liked the rain beating him in the face as we ran into the building. I sure would have liked to postponed my visits, but that wasn't possible today. The teacher says Chase ate some french toast sticks for morning snack, ate the majority of his lunch, and had goldfish crackers for afternoon snack. Mommy was mostly impressed with Chase's nap today. He slept from 12:45-2:30pm on a big boy cot! Wow, he sure is taking this transition from the infant class to the 1s well. Not to mention, day 2 without a bottle or nursing at school. :o) Daddy picked Chase up from school and all he wanted was his Mommy. Poor lil' baby was super exhausted again! Dinner, bath, and bed....he didn't even want to play.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My First Day Continued
When I went to pick Chase up from school he was finishing up a diaper change and washing his hands like a "big boy!" Chase was elated to see his mommy. He whined a little bit, but was quick to show me some more cool toys in his new class. Mommy and Chase stayed for 30 minutes to continue playing. I guess you could say he enjoys his new class. His teachers said he had a terrific, fun-filled 1st day and they couldn't have imagined it going any smoother! Chase tried most of the foods mommy sent for lunch and tried to feed himself, he was the FIRST to go to sleep on his cot, but was the FIRST to wake up (a nap of 55min to be exact)....we are definitely hoping that lengthens as he becomes more aquainted with this class. He also tried to help clean up the toys when asked. This was a major day for Chase because it was his first day going without a bottle or nursing. Mommy still nursed before school, but she only sent whole milk in a cup for lunch. He did it. I knew he would. Wow, what a big day he had. Apparently, the day caught up with him when he got home. He whined and wanted a paci and then just wanted to lounge on his Mommy. Poor lil' Monkey!! He was in bed asleep at 6:59pm :)

My 1st Day in the 1s!!!!
Well today was Chase's 1st day in his new class...the 1s, better known as a group of toddlers :( I guess my "baby" has officially graduated from the infant class and age and entered his new age and class all at once. Poor Mommy! Chase woke up this morning in good spirits and was eager to get out of the house. Just ask Daddy....Chase didn't want to be held while Mommy was packing the car. He wanted to go, go, go! Mommy only had to pack a hundred bags it seemed like. We had to take diapers, wipes, his backpack with extra clothes, paci, blankie(s), his lunchbox, and we gathered up some fun school supplies (sippy cups for his friends, sidewalk chalk, bubble wands, and 2 lullaby Cd's for naptime), oh and not to mention some yummy chocolate for his teachers. Needless to say, I made several trips back and forth. As soon as we arrived in his new class I washed his hands and let him go. He roamed all over the room touching and biting all the new fun toys :o) He walked up to his previous classmates and also confronted some new friends. I think this will be a great year for him. The class is full of boys! Today there was only 1 girl, but another one will come part-time. Poor teachers :) Chase was excited about his morning snack. It was one of his favorite foods....YOGURT! Chase sat right down and grabbed the spoon. As you can see he enjoyed every bite!!! Mommy stayed with Chase for 1 hr and 30 min mainly just taking pictures....the kids thought the papparazzi was there...LOL! I took 115 just comes so natural to me to snap, snap, snap! I will write a follow-up when I pick him up from school!!!

On my way....but I want to play at home!

Eating the animals in Science Center
On my way....but I want to play at home!
Eating the animals in Science Center
Monday, August 25, 2008
Chase's Big Music Show!
Chase's school was closed today for a teacher workday, so I was able to enjoy some one-on-one time with him this morning. One of Chase's favorite little shows on Noggin is Jack's Big Music Show. Mommy usually forgets to DVR this show....bad mommy, but I think Chase was pleased he was able to watch it this morning. Mommy pulled out Chase's musical instruments and helped him play along with Jack.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Sunday afternoon with BO & LUKE!!!
Just another day with Bo and Luke....
Chase's cousin came over to visit for a couple of hours of play and for dinner. These two boys never stop! They are all BOY! I captured a few shots of them together. I think they were in rare form tonight....mean ol' molars. They are both teething those back molars and neither of them wanted to eat dinner ~ugh for the mommies. While they were playing outside Chase decided to be stingy. He didn't want Bryson to come into his playhouse. Each time Bryson got close to the door to open it, Chase pulled it back closed and one time pushed him away. Thank goodness the mommies were there to referee :) These cousins are already bullying one another! They played well with one another inside until Bryson tried to get on Chase's four-wheeler. It's never a dull moment! The last half hour of Bry's visit, the two watched Justin Timberlake's Concert and danced, so stinking precious!!!

Waiting for our dinner....aren't we handsome?

Chase pushing Bry out of the way
Chase's cousin came over to visit for a couple of hours of play and for dinner. These two boys never stop! They are all BOY! I captured a few shots of them together. I think they were in rare form tonight....mean ol' molars. They are both teething those back molars and neither of them wanted to eat dinner ~ugh for the mommies. While they were playing outside Chase decided to be stingy. He didn't want Bryson to come into his playhouse. Each time Bryson got close to the door to open it, Chase pulled it back closed and one time pushed him away. Thank goodness the mommies were there to referee :) These cousins are already bullying one another! They played well with one another inside until Bryson tried to get on Chase's four-wheeler. It's never a dull moment! The last half hour of Bry's visit, the two watched Justin Timberlake's Concert and danced, so stinking precious!!!
Waiting for our dinner....aren't we handsome?
Chase pushing Bry out of the way
not sure what Chase is doing..LOL
But I want your cup Mommy!!
For afternoon snack I gave Chase his "favorite" snack~Gerber Lil' crunchies! He also had fruit and milk, which I am certain he could have cared less. Since Chase was having a snack I thought maybe mommy should too :o) But to no surprise Chase wanted my cup you can tell it is about 6 inches taller than his cup and he pratically had to lay it down to drink from it. Mealtimes are always fun at our house!

Chase's "BFF" Kaylyn!
Thanks Dave and Marie for giving us consent to post your precious lil' girl on Chase's site. This is Chase's best girl buddy~he just adores her! Things we love about Kaylyn: she is super intelligent, Cute as a button, such a girlie-girl, Loves to dance, and just a bundle of fun to be around!!

What a doll baby!!!!!!

Trying to take a bite of the basketball...LOL
What a doll baby!!!!!!
Trying to take a bite of the basketball...LOL
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Chase's Saturday Night Dinnerdate!!
Chase had a great Saturday. First, Daddy spoiled him with his new chair and then we went to Dave, Marie, and Kaylyn's house for dinner and a playdate. Chase and Kaylyn are the best of buddies. Kaylyn is 4 months older than Chase and they can't remember life without one another. You see, we are one another's 2nd family and BFFs (that's for you Rich & Dave) LOL! Chase is a handful when we visit the Peele's. Mommy is constantly standing close to Chase due to his habitual chewing. Kaylyn has some really fun toys that Chase could "chew" right up! He especially loves her wooden cooking spoons, her nerf football (which he bit a hole in tonight---we will be buying them another one), he loves chewing on her gerber graduate cans that she uses in her play kitchen, he chewed the plastic label off of her bubbles tonight, as well as the label off the playdoh, he tried to bite the big basketball, and frankly, I can't remember all of the other things he chewed on...hahaha. Needless to say, we always have a fantastic time hanging out with them. Once we receive parental consent, we will add some pics of Kaylyn. She is a super cutie patoodie! Can't wait to do it again soon! We love you guys :)

Relaxing in K's chair!

Chase is trying to dribble....he bangs on it
Relaxing in K's chair!
Chase is trying to dribble....he bangs on it
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