Rich and I enrolled Chase at the local community college school a couple of months back, with the intent he would start in August. However, I don't think I was 100% sold that's where he should be. Overall, the program, curriculum, extra activities, staff and children were great, but just a couple of things seem to really bother me. I wasn't fond of the classroom size. The physical space was much smaller than what Chase was used to having at Co-op and there would be approximately 16 kids in that smaller space verses the 9 kids at Co-op. Big difference!!! Also, we were informed that Chase could not have his beloved "blankie" at that school. Well that particular statement alone, didn't mesh well with me. My thought was, "my child will be here 5-7 hours a day without a sense of security." "What if he fell and got a boo-boo, what if he was feeling sad and missing his parents, what if he got really sick and needed to snuggle with his blankie?" All of these things bothered me in some way. Long story short, I started back to work part-time in July (very part-time) and visited one of my children at their "new" school (they switched from the time I had my car accident). I interacted with the child some on the playground (low and behold the teacher was a former employee of the company I work for) and then her class was heading inside ......I couldn't believe my eyes.....a BIG classroom with awesome appeal. I immediately started inquiring :)
The assistant Director spoke to the Teacher and Assistant Teacher and felt they could have another student in their class. I was ecstatic! A bigger classroom and a maximum of 12 students. Now that's news that settles well. I informed them that Chase wouldn't be available to start until late August/beginning September. Well during that waiting time, we potty trained Chase. I didn't think about it at the time, but no one in that class is potty trained. YIKES! Did I just screw up his chances of that class. NO, I didn't. I told the teachers it was "their" choice, their classroom and schedule and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they didn't have time to continue his potty time. I know what its like to have one 2 year old, so I would completely understand if they said no. His new teachers were willing to work "potty breaks" in for Chase throughout the day! I'm so blessed this opportunity presented itself.
I LOVE the peaceful classroom environment, I LOVE the teacher and teacher assistant, I LOVE the fact that Chase enjoys going to school and sometimes wants to stay when I come to get him, I LOVE the fact that Montessori philosophy is being slightly integrated, and I LOVE that we can become involved at the school, but not feel so overwhelmed.
Last Wednesday, Chase and I visited for a bit over a hour. Thursday we stayed 2.5 hours and he had lunch with his friends. On Friday, I let Chase stay without me for 3 hours and he left just before naptime. This Monday, August 31st was his first *official* start day. He did fabulous (from what I heard)!

Glad to hear Chase is doing well with the new school! He looks like he was enjoying himself playing outside. That looks like a HUGE play area they have outside!
I"m so glad to hear that you guys have found a great place for Chase! I hope everything is going well!
Glad you found a place in which you can have peace of mind. I know it must be hard leaving Chase behind when you go to work, but when you have peace about where you're leaving him and who you're leaving him with, it makes it so much easier!
Glad Chase is enjoying his new school so far. Good to hear you're feeling better also. Andrew started preschool on the 9th. He enjoyed his day. Tomorrow will be his 2nd day. Mom and Dad did well and enjoyed breakfast out! Take care. Miss seeing you.
Lisa F
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