Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It's so hard to believe that Chase is growing by leaps and bounds!! He has been creating and imitating sounds and some words for awhile now, but tonight just really put things into perspective! Some of the words he has used in the past are: "mama" and "dada," "Ni-ni" (night-night), "cat," "tee too" (thank you), "o, o, o, oooo, ot" (row, row, row your boat), "ulp" (help).....however, tonight was just really sweet!! My granny came to visit a few weeks ago and took Chase around our house pointing and labeling all of the pictures we have in our kitchen and living room. After she left, Chase constantly pointed to the pictures and I would label just as she did. Tonight, Chase pointed up to the pictures and said, "Che".......for Chase!!!!!!! It was the SWEETEST sound I have ever heard!!!! (not including the word "mama!") :P

He is getting more precious everyday---I just wished time would go by a bit slower!!

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