Friday, August 22, 2008

Last Day in my 1st class!!!

Today was Chase's last day in his 1st class at Co-op. Chase started Co-op last August when he was close to 3 months old. One reason I liked this school was because they move the children up in groups one time a year, generally when a new school year begins. This just makes sense to me, probably because I am a teacher at heart and by profession. The main reason I loved Co-op was because each family is required to work a 4 hour workslot during the week. This gives me the opportunity to interact with Chase at school, help in the classroom, and mainly just ALWAYS knowing what is going on. Today was bittersweet for mommy. Obviously Chase didn't recognize this as his last day, but when I picked him up after lunch and had to clean out his cubby and take his pictures home, I realized, "he's getting bigger and growing up!" "Next Tuesday my big boy starts a new class!" I know Chase will adjust to the change and fit right in with a new schedule. He has visited the new class several times and he loves the teachers. Chase will have to learn to sleep on a cot and only get 1 nap a day....YIKES!! I seriously think the change will be more challenging for mommy, but in a good way :) I will post pictures of Chase throughout the year at Co-op...keep checking back!!


  1. Awwww. I know that was hard for you. Our little boys are growing up aren't they? thanks again for Connor's "graduation" present. You are the best, and we're going to miss seeing you every week. I love all of the new posts..that little Chase is such a ham. Take care!!

  2. you both will do fine when chase moves up! You are such a great mommy!
