Hot, Sweaty, DIRTY!!
I ALWAYS have something in my hand!
Saturday after lunch I took Chase outside to play before his afternoon nap! He was so excited. He went and grabbed his shoes and sat down in front of the back door eager to go out. I knew it was extremely hot, so our time would be limited to 20 minutes or less. Chase played in his playhouse, the swingset, tried to touch the air conditioner, briefly touched his sandbox, and most of all, he and Chloe ran up and down the hill in our backyard. They had a great time. However, all of the fun apparently ended when I had to bring Chase in :( As you can see in some of the pictures...his face was flushed, so he definitely NEEDED to come in, but he sure did pitch a big fit! After his temper tantrum I told him that we needed to get ready for a little nap....he made himself comfortable in the kitchen floor! I guess he follows simple directions after all :)
I love the temper tantrum pic...too cute!