Saturday, September 20, 2008

Are you Serious?? Not Again!

Since Thursday Chase has been tugging at the left ear. UGH! His note from school that day said: "Was a little fussy in the morning, but PM was fine." The teacher also told Rich that he had tugged at the ear throughout the day. On Friday, Chase would tug a few times here and there and felt a bit warm to the touch the majority of the day, especially after his 3 hour nap! This morning I took Chase back to the doctor as a precaution.....well low and behold, he has another ear infection in the right ear and fluid in the left. Rich plans to make a phone call on Monday to the ENT doctor to discuss a surgery date in October. This makes 2 ear infections this month and we aren't even close to winter yet. I think we will all be glad when this is all better. Please keep our baby in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Poor little guy! I know you have to be so frustrated. Hopefully the ENT will be able to get you in for October. I agree that you definitely need to get it nipped in the bud before winter comes. Feel better soon Chase!!!

  2. I am so sorry Brandy. I know this must break your heart! I will certainly keep Chase in my prayers. Just think, October is right around the corner!

  3. You have got to be kidding me! I feel so sorry for that little monkey and you and Rich! Please let me know if there is anything that I can do.
