Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Cows give us MILK!!!!!

I have proudly been able to nurse Chase since he was born and getting him to transition from breastmilk to whole milk has been a challenge. Many of you have heard our trials with this milk issue since he turned 1. We have tried all the tricks of the trade: adding sugar, warming the milk, adding chocolate, adding strawberry, adding ice cream, and wow, I might have to go back to read the baby book to remember what else we have tried. I even sing the song from the Baby Einstein video, "The cows give us milk" to encourage him...he dances, but doesn't drink. The point is, it's been DIFFICULT for him and for us. This Tuesday we were completely amazed at our little boy. Rich and I are on the Exec. Committee at his school and we had a meeting Tuesday evening. We took Chase's dinner & milk to school for him to eat there while in the meeting. Much to our surprise as well as his teacher's surprise he drank ALL 4 ounces of the whole milk!!!!! The cup was dry. We were all shocked. That night we came home and Rich was at the refrigerator fixing a cup of water and Chase began to grunt and point. I pulled out his cup and filled it with 2 more ounces of milk.....he sucked it all down without taking a breath. I thought, "is this really my child?" LOL! Tonight Chase surprised us again. He had 7 ounces of whole milk for dinner!!!! It might have backfired though. He came home took a bath and nursed on both sides for bedtime....within 10 minutes he threw up his milk and dinner. I guess you could say he was too full :) We are still very proud of him and I think he's finally made the transition....maybe within a couple of months we will start to wean.

1 comment:

  1. He just had to let you know when he was ready. I'm amazed at how long you've been able to nurse...great job for holding out so long!! He might be noticing the other kids at school drinking their milk maybe?
