Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Official

I just made Chase's appointment for ear tube surgery. I feel so indifferent about the decision. I remember his first ear infection like it was yesterday. It was last New Years Eve and he was diagnosed with his first double ear infection. Rich and I were so quick to say, "He's never getting tubes." We felt it was unnecessary to even think about it since it was the first infection. After a couple more ear infections throughout the winter months, tubes became a part of our daily lingo. "Should we do it, should we not.....etc..." I would say at Chase's 1 year checkup was when we felt strongly about getting tubes. This made the second checkup (9 mos. and 12 mos.) where Chase couldn't get shots, so we were a little upset. Each time we were given more antibiotics and a 2 week later appointment for shots. Needless to say, the doctor has benefited from our co-pays :) Since Chase's consultation visit at the ENT a couple of weeks ago, we have encountered 2 more ear infections. Poor pitiful little baby. He is now on his 2nd antibiotic.....I have to wonder if it's even working anymore? Well maybe it is, the doctor gave us a different one. Chase goes back to the audiologist on September 30th at 4:00 for a hearing test and for us to find out the details about his October 16th tube surgery. Keep him in your prayers please.


  1. I know it must be bothersome to have him on antibiotics so much, just continue to give him probiotics when he's finished a course of antibiotics, or 2-3 hours before or after a dose of antibiotics. Antibiotics are a God send, the only problem is antibiotics don't know the difference between the body's "good" bacteria and "bad" bacteria, so they kill "all" the bacteria. The body needs good bacteria to keep the immune system at optimal levels, fight against overgrowth of yeast, etc. The probiotics help to restore the "good bacteria" that is destroyed by the antibiotics. Without adequate good bacteria in the body, the immune system is suppressed, making little Chase even more susceptible to getting another ear infection. By the way, I tasted and smelled of Landon's probiotics, and they do not have a taste or smell (UDO'S CHOICE INFANT PROBIOTICS). I took them with me to Landon's last doctor's visit, just so the peditrician could take a look at them, and he is completely approving of them. :)

    It must be a pain having to make so many appointments for Chase due to his shots getting delayed, especially because of the copayments, but this doctor you have is definately looking out for Chase's best interest with this decision. When you get vaccinations, they can temporarily suppress the immune system sometimes, making it easier to get little things like colds, fever, etc. But if the child has an ear infection, cold, etc. when he/she gets shots, there is even a higher chance of getting a worse sickness or suffering from rare, but real side effects from vaccines. Since Chase has an ear infection, that automatically means that his immune system is down a little bit right now, so by adding vaccines to that, it could make things worse for him. It really is best to wait to get his vaccines when he is completely well. My sister's childrens' pediatrician won't vaccinate even if the kids only have a minor cold. Again, I know it definately can be a nuisance, but it really is best for the child if he/she is completely well with his/her immune system completely up to par on the day shots are given.

    I am very hopeful that at least the frequency of Chase's ear infections will decrease after getting tubes put in. I know it must be scary for you even thinking about your son getting "surgery", but he'll be fine. You and Rich are Christian parents, and God will be right by Chase's side the whole way through. Just have faith in God. Everything is going to be okay in the end.

  2. You all will definitely be in our prayers! I know it was a hard decision, but I'm sure you know it was the right one. I've never heard of any kids with problems with the surgery so I know he will be fine. Dr. A is going to miss not seeing you as much I'm sure! hee hee. What will he do without me & you in there all the time???? i had to go the other day to pick something up and Connor wasn't even with me, and the poor girl knew who I was without me even telling her. that's not good is it???
