Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kersey Valley Pumpkin Patch Visit

Okay so I just realized I put this out-of-order on the blog.....this event took place before the artwork at school on Monday. We went to visit the Pumpkin Patch at Kersey Valley last Sunday, Oct. 26th. We met our friend Marie and Kaylyn there and then Special K and Bryson met us there a few minutes later. We had a great time even though the patch looked a bit scarce. They did a refill of pumpkins as we were packing up to leave. Rich and Special K raided the pumpkin barrels and grabbed the best ones!

The babies have no clue where we are and could care less, which means the mommies could barely take the pictures without laughing hysterically!

Kaylyn trying to hand Chase a pumpkin. He wouldn't let go of his train whistle long enough to take it.

Pointing to other kids in the patch....this was intense!

This was sooooo funny to the mommies!! Chase was more interested in pointing his hands through the opening at the other people and Kaylyn giggled and smiled the entire time.

So sweet and innocent.

He definitely didn't want to sit still for a picture.....the busy life of a toddler still puzzles all of us :)

He wanted "up" on this wagon the majority of the visit.....he enjoyed walking around and literally throwing the small pumpkins around.

Bryson joined us at the patch

Picking his pumpkin.....he carried it to his mommy by the stem!! Hercules


  1. What a great, fun day. Chase is getting so tall and really looking like a big boy! You guys really are great at getting out and about and giving Chase such fun times!

  2. Great pictures! i wanted to make it there this year, but we only made it to one of the churches. Maybe next year!

  3. This was such a fun time! Next time we are going to the "real" farm.
