Sunday, October 12, 2008

My 1st Overnight Stay away from Mommy and Daddy

Okay, I continue remembering words he has spoken and forgetting to type them :"oh no," "uh oh," "oh shoot!" I'm sure they'll be more to come.

Tonight at dinner he said, "bok-bok" for funny!

On to the 1st overnight stay! Daddy, Mommy, Special K, Uncle Ben, Dave, John, Freddy, and Jason all ventured to the Nascar Race in Charlotte. We had lots of fun and it was a long day and night.......

Chase was picked up on Saturday morning at 8:30am by his Granny! Granny, Great Granny, Mamaw, Bryson, and Auntie Bonnie spent the day together. They visited Auntie Bonnie's new house in Wake Forest, ate at Golden Corral and went shopping. Then Bryson and Chase kept Granny on her toes when they got back to Winston-Salem!

Chase did SO well ....he ate, played, and slept like normal. He only woke up once at night and my mom gave him his paci and he went back to sleep. He basically slept from 8-8. Thank goodness! Granny took lots of pictures of him, but we do not have them to upload until Thursday (hopefully). I didn't have time to put them on the flashdrive today. When Mommy and Daddy walked in to pick him up, of course, he started to whimper (what a show!). He can't seem to make his mind up on who he wants to hold him today. It's really cute. He goes from my arms to Daddy's and then just wants to lounge on us! We sure did miss him, but I know he gave my mom and other family members a lot to talk about for the next 6 months! Pictures to follow in a couple of days.


  1. I'm so glad everything worked out for Chase. That must have been such a relief for you! 8-8! Boy you're lucky! Landon still doesn't sleep that long for me!

  2. Wow...what a big step letting him spend the night away!! Sounds like he was kept plenty busy. I can't picture you as the Nascar type, but I'm glad you had fun! Still no word from Connor's neuro. Hopefully he'll call Monday stomach is all in knots about it. I'll keep you informed.
