Monday, December 29, 2008

Lunch at Chuck E Cheese

I think Chase and Landon enjoyed themselves at Chuck E Cheese today. Both boys liked walking around and exploring their environment of games and toys! It's really exhausting to keep up with them.

Chase rocked his new Thomas Crocs with his Thomas shirt he got back in Oct. when he visited Thomas at the train museum.....the shirt says, "Junior Conductor" on the back and of course, he had to stop at the train table to see the action at Chuck E Cheese!

Landon was such a big boy at Chuck E Cheese....he enjoyed this monster truck very much and was SO cute driving the steering wheel. This pictures just cracks me up because he has 1 hand on the wheel and looking out the window as if he were stuck in the mud trying to back out :)

This mallet was a little heavy for Chase to hold, but he tried a couple of times

He will find basketball anywhere we go!

This was a rare picture....the whole time we were there you couldn't get them to stand still beside one another for a picture....both had their own agenda of what to accomplish!

1 comment:

  1. I just got home from W-S and what's one of the first things I did? Check on the "Chase Wilder" blog :) I just knew you'd have these pics posted already. You're so on top of things!

    Thanks so much for meeting up with us at Chuck E Cheese and thank you for Landon's gift. You are such a thoughtful, kind person. We had a great time, but I have to agree, it was rather exhausting trying to keep up with Landon! I was so happy to see you and meet your family. Chase is even cuter in person...what an adorable little boy! I'm very happy for you that Rich is such a wonderful husband and father; you certainly deserve him!

    I really miss living closer to home and being able to keep up with my friends from around there. Landon and I will hopefully be coming to visit again in 4-6 weeks for a couple of my nephews' birthday parties, so I'd love to see you again if it works out.

    Landon became quite fussy on our way home today as his cold has become A LOT worse (half my family was sick), so I entertained him with the Baby Einstein cards and play dough you gave him. Of course the first thing he did was put the play dough in his mouth, got a very sour face, then spit it right back out! It was so funny! I'll get my pics posted from Chuck E Cheese as soon as I can. Landon's asleep right now, but he's pretty sick, so when he wakes up I'll most likely not be online the rest of the a ton of stuff to unpack too!

    Have a Happy New Year!
