Friday, January 2, 2009

2 Friends at the GCM!

The mommies are being the best they can be this year.....they ventured off to the Greensboro Children's Museum with the babies this morning! What a fun time we all had! I can't wait to do it again, especially since admission works out in our favor since both mommies used to work there :)

Enjoying the slide connected to the airplane!

Chase sure did take his time at the top of the firehouse. He loved looking out the windows at everyone below!

Having a great time!

Kaylyn was tickled to go down the slide :)

We love shopping at the Fresh Market!

We filled our buggy's to the top!

Wondering why Mommy took his shoes off to play in the sand

1 comment:

  1. we had the best time! we have to do it more often!
