Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Day back to School

Yesterday was such a long day for Mommy and Chase! Chase went back to school and Mommy back to work full-time....ugh! I think he realized something suspicious because Sunday night he wouldn't settle for bed for nothing. I put him down and he kept calling out our names and tossed and turned for over 1 hour. I knew he would be tired the next day and I was getting a bit worried he wouldn't get enough rest to function. Well at 5:30am the dog was scratching to go out (this is rare), so I walked passed Chase's room and noticed he had burritoed his head in his large blankie, I freaked. I had to literally pick him up to unravel him. Not such a good choice! He immediately woke up .....brought him to my bed to rest the remainder of time....he stayed awake tossing and turning until after 7! I let him rest until 7:45 so I could get ready. He sure was groggy that whole morning at school. It was definitely a paci morning for Chase and so many of his other little friends needed their security items.

Playing Peek-a-boo with Mommy in the gross motor room

Okay....great story behind Chase holding this Elmo doll. It actually belongs to the largest kid in his class. It was lying on the floor and Chase picked it up and held it for a couple of minutes before the kid realized. He approached Chase and reached to grab the Elmo doll.....Chase instantly screamed out and pulled it back.....the big kid kept yanking on it until Chase fell in the floor (still holding the doll).....Chase kept saying, "no" and the kid was saying, "mine"----Chase would not let go....he held his own that is for sure.....by the way, the person who won the battle of Elmo is the one holding the doll in the picture above!

1 comment:

  1. I had that happen to me once. Not knowing any better, Michael put a larger blanket in Landon's crib when he was around 3-4 months old. Fortunately, I had this urge back then that made me go check on Landon a million times before I could finally go to bed, so I was able to catch Landon tangled up in the blanket just in the nick of time! My heart dropped to the floor though when I first found him like that and Michael felt awful! I would have never thought that this would still be something to worry about by the time they're 18 months old, so I'm really glad you shared this. I'll be sure to hold off on letting Landon have any larger type blankets in his crib for a long time.
