Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Funny "Diaper" Story
No pictures for this story, but it's too cute not to share! I had several visits back to back this afternoon and didn't have access to the bathroom before I picked Chase up from school. As soon as we walked in the door, I ran to the restroom and I heard Chase's little footsteps pitter pattering towards me. Usually he likes taking the lid off the toilet paper holder, looking at the magazines, closing the door and basically anything except for bothering Mommy. Today for some reason was different. He didn't do any of his normal routines....he approached me and pointed to my personal clothing garment and said, "Ernie-gone" "Elmo-gone!" I laughed and said, "You're right, Ernie and Elmo are not on Mommy's big girl diaper only on Chase's diapers." *Every time we change his diaper he has to know what Sesame Street character is on the front and then he turns it to the back to see Elmo. I guess he thinks everyone wears *diapers* with characters!
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