Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our BIG trip

What a HUGE decision this Cabo, Mexico trip has been for our family. My friend Ashlea is getting married in Cabo this Friday and I am her Matron of Honor. Since last January we have been discussing the pros and cons of the trip and how Chase would be involved. In June we decided to make a long 9 day all-inclusive trip and Chase would go with us. I was excited, but I knew it would be exhausting, but hopefully worth all the fun you could imagine. After Chase's ear tube surgery in October, we decided it would be in Chase's best medical interest for him to stay behind this time. BOO HOO! We have already purchased his ticket and everything. Luckily, we were able to switch the resort stay and shorten the length of days. I can't imagine leaving him for 9 days, probably 10 with all the traveling. So, as of tomorrow night Chase will be staying at my mom's house until next Tuesday morning. Rich and I will drive to Charlotte and stay tomorrow and fly out early on Thursday morning. We have a day FULL of layovers....WHOO HOO! We will come back Monday night and pick Chase up early on Tuesday (Rich's Birthday)! I know deep down this will be a good vacation for Rich and I, just the two of us, but it will be a bittersweet situation. I think the first night will be easy since Chase has stayed overnight at my mom's before, but by the next morning....I will be missing him like CRAZY! Say a little prayer for all of us during this break away from our precious baby boy!


  1. I will be praying for you! Have a wonderful time with your sweet hubby!

  2. I hope you guys will have a great time in Cabo...I'm jealous!

    I couldn't imagine being away from Landon that long, but you're right, it's good for you and Rich to get some time away. You both work very hard and are wonderful, devoted parents. You deserve this trip and Chase will love playing hooky from school and being spoiled by his Grandma! I pray you have a safe, fun trip!
