Sunday, January 4, 2009

Playroom Construction (Phase I)

As mentioned before, Rich wanted to remove the furniture out of the guest bedroom and make it a playroom for Chase. That process started this weekend....

Chase is SO good at vacuuming....he even made a vacuum sound and Rich and I were laughing hysterically....Daddy ran to grab the video camera to capture the moment! No one prompted him to do it either, so it was a priceless moment!

Mommy and Daddy bought some play mats and a red fabric bean bag for his room.

Mommy added the table and chairs, but will definitely be separating the green and blue play mats. I think all the blue play mats will go under the table and all the green play mats will go under his art easel..... it just looks too busy with the colored chairs and two mat colors. I will also add a clothesline with knobs for his artwork, a shelving system with colored bins, a cool curtain, a kiddie lamp, more fun artwork/pictures, and possibly a paint scheme in the spring....we'll see! I'm sure this will be an ongoing process for us....Mommy loves this stuff!

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