Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunrider Dinner Cruise

Can I just say, "Do not judge Rich and I by the amount of FUN we had on this Dinner MUST take one of these in the future to understand the level of FUN......just let loose, enjoy the yummy food, the never-ending alcoholic beverages, the sunset, the whales, the pelicans, sea lions and all of the strangers aboard!!" When you mix all of those things together, you cannot go wrong....always a good time!

*Above* the boat we boarded for the Dinner Cruise
*Below* the sea lion swimming at the Marina

*Above* me pretending I was Captain for a split-second
*Below* is "Lovers Beach" on the closest side to the camera and "Divorce Beach" on the farthest side .....the neat thing about this picture is you can see the two separate oceans (Pacific and Sea of Cortez) from one view.

The FAMOUS arch!!!!!!!

A side view of our resort

Frontal view of our resort

Having the best time

I guess after your belly is full from dinner, you are capable of "downing" Te'KILL'A (tequila).....whew, we sure enjoyed the locals

If I had to do it, SO DID HE!!!!!!!!

Ricardo X 2!!! Rich's party animal friend on the boat

They enjoyed dancing for the crowd.....we should have sent around a tip jar

We made more than 1 friend in Cabo

1 comment:

  1. I definately wouldn't judge you! Michael and I are planning our 5 year wedding anniversary vacation, and since we won't be taking Landon with us, I have a feeling we'll be doing some of the same things! It's not everyday we get away from our kids, you know. I'm glad you and Rich had such a fun time. Parents need to be able to relive their younger years every once in a blue moon...keeps you on your toes :)
