Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day Yummy Teacher Treats!

I wanted to purchase these Valentine Day treats for Chase's teachers, but the store I saw them at doesn't exist in Greensboro any longer. Therefore, we were able to share another cooking experience together while making them. We made some yummy caramel apples with heart sprinkles and Valentine colored M&Ms. YUM-YUM! I sure hope his teachers love them. We put a lot of time and love into them!

Chase enjoyed the candy in the bowl while Mommy washed the apples and Daddy removed the stems.

We are counting the apples

Before we got started, Chase fed Mommy a delicious M&M!

Dipping our first apple! The caramel sure was super sticky!

Decorating our first apple while the 2nd one soaks in the caramel

2 down....1 to go! They turned out perfect.....we could have added more candies, but we thought we should hurry and put them in the refrigerator because the caramel was starting to run.

What an awesome job .....this was our 1st attempt at candied apples. We will make some for us over the weekend!

Chase enjoyed eating the sprinkles off the island

Final product!

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