Thursday, April 2, 2009

"1, 2, 3(eeee)"

Tonight at the end of dinner, Chase started counting again. I gave him 5 crackers with cheese and 5 banana teddy grahams. I counted them when I laid them on his tray. He repeated, "1, 2" many times while pointing to them. I then got up to start making his lunch for tomorrow and I heard him saying, "1, 2, 3(eeee)!" I was in shock because he was pointing to them one by one while counting. Rich was near by and heard him counting as well. I quickly grabbed the camera from my purse to video-tape him counting. Let's just say, it took me several takes. He would count, "1, 3" or "1, 2" etc... and then laugh or say, "Chase see" meaning he wanted to look at the camera screen. I will post the videos soon. He didn't have such a great listening day at school and I was upset by that, but hearing him count his crackers made me feel better. Hopefully he will have a better listening day tomorrow and all the days to come.

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome, Chase! You're such a smart lil' booger!

    Count yourself lucky, Brandy. Landon rarely listens or pays attention; he's just sooo self-driven it drives me nuts. You wouldn't believe what I go through trying to get him to stop doing what he's doing long enough so I can teach him's crazy, and very aggrivating!

    Can't wait to see the video!
