Friday, April 24, 2009

Alligator Adventure

Saturday was our day to return back to Greens-BORING! On a serious note, Greensboro is not that bad :o) Prior to heading out, we wanted to take Chase to Alligator Adventure. I think we all LOVED it. I was completely amazed at how many alligators they had. The coolest part was witnessing the alligator feeding. The lady walked on the pier and started banging her hand on the rail, instantly the alligators started to swim towards her. They throw out raw chicken for the alligators. In order for the alligator to get a piece, they had to "jump" out of the water. Many of the alligators did pretty well, jumping up where their front feet were out of the water. It was neat. We learned some awesome facts about alligators. The most interesting is they can survive and most often eat once a year and that 90% of what they eat becomes alligator. 90% of what humans eat becomes fat.

If you ask Chase about the Zebra, he will tell you that, "Zebra night-night." The second time we visited the Zebra exhibit he was lying down taking a rest.

The alligator in front is eating his chicken!

If you click this picture to enlarge it you can see the alligator in front of the girl making his move to jump up!

It was weird seeing some of the alligator's mouths wide open!

Chase and I watched the Lemurs for about 10 minutes. He laughed hysterically. He got a true kick out of watching them jump back and forth onto the trees, rope, and glass. He said, "Monkey funny Mommy!"

This HUGE 200lb tortoise was on the other side of water when we stopped to see him. Maybe he was attracted to the red stroller (well I can't say that for sure, because I'm not sure they see color), but regardless, he walked, very slowly towards us and stuck his head through the 2 wooden posts. It was so cute to hear Chase talking to him. I but someone has touched him before considering there was no glass barrier, but we didn't take any chances!

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