Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birthday and Party Shirts

Finding Chase the perfect birthday shirt did not exist this year. Rich and I both searched high and low in the Internet for the ideal Sesame Street birthday shirt. We wanted Chase to have more than a few characters on his shirt and most of them were fairly cheesy or they only had one character. After weeks of searching, we just decided to make his shirt and we were able to buy our shirts at local stores.


  1. You need to be a party planner! You make me feel like such a slack mom!!! I'm barely doing anything for M's birthday! Love the shirt, cake and the back yard set-up, sorry again that we couldn't come! Macyn would have had a blast!

  2. Funny "macynsmama" said you needed to be a party planner; I just wrote the same thing on your Facebook. You are SO good at this stuff!
