Thursday, June 18, 2009

ELMO Cupcakes!!

Well the BIG 2 is rapidly approaching.....!!!! Chase will have a very special birthday on Friday. I just can't believe it. I have been planning out his party for quite some time now, so hopefully everything will fall right into place :) *fingers crossed*

I wanted to make some special cupcakes for Chase's class. At first, I had the bright idea to do several Sesame Street characters, but since many of Chase's friends have left the school he didn't have many friends left to celebrate. I chose his favorite character (the 1st favorite), Elmo, and my wheels in my brain started to spin with ideas. Below is what I came up goal was achieved: that Chase would "recognize" Elmo! I was so afraid they wouldn't look like the character, but to a 2 year old they did! Yay for me!

**FUNNY STORY*** Chase would NOT eat Elmo's eyes and nose. He just licked all the icing around them. I asked him to eat it because I used mini m&m's and he loves them, but he said, "No eat Elmo's eyes and nose" haha!

You can't have cake without ice cream!

One happy toddler!


  1. You did a great job on the cupcakes!! Sorry to hear things haven't gone well at co-op. I know how much you liked him being there. Can't wait to hear of his new adventures at his new place!

  2. I love the Elmo cupcakes! I might steal your idea for Caroline's 1rst birthday party! She LOVES Elmo and we are going to use that as our theme. Can you tell me what you used to make them? Email me if you have

  3. Chase's concern for Elmo's eyes and nose is so adorable...what a sweet, loving child.
