Monday, July 27, 2009

Wilder Update!!

I have many pictures that I need to post, but to be quite honest I haven't uploaded them to the computer lately....what a slacker! The past couple of weeks has been full of fun things for Chase. He still isn't in school, so he is soaking up some Mommy and immediate family member's time and love. He will possibly start school within the first few weeks of August; that's if I can make the best decision on where he should go.

Well on to more important things......we are POTTY TRAINING our little guy!! YIPEE! We read the 3 Day Potty Training Method and we started on Saturday. We talked to Chase about it, bought some "goodies" and stickers, set up the bathrooms to meet his needs and basically just said prayers to help us get through it. Unfortunately, I woke up Saturday morning with an awful summer head cold. My head felt like it weighed more than my whole body. It was miserable to lift it off the pillow, but I was determined to continue on with our plan. The remainder of the weekends are booked with plans. Despite my misery, we let Chase "throw away all of his diapers" in a trash bag (Rich stored the bag out of sight....we will pass them along to someone who may need them) and then we let him pick out the big boy underwear that he wanted to wear!!! He was excited. Maybe so excited that within 10 minutes he had an accident :o) We gently talked him through it and we picked out another pair of undies. We had a couple more accidents the first day, but he did actually use the potty too, we were very excited!!!! He actually stayed dry for almost 6 hours, including during his 2 hour nap. Day 2 was great. I thought the best way for him to learn how to stay dry during the night was to sleep on the air mattress beside his toddler bed. I checked him at 2am and 4 am and he was dry both times. I heard him stirring around at 6am, but I was a zombie at that point, so I reached my hand up there for him to hold and fall back asleep....I think at that point I should have taken him to the potty because around 6:30 when he woke up, there was a wet spot in the bed. He had fewer accidents and used the potty more throughout the remainder of the day. Pooping in the potty has been quite interesting, (no accidents, just funny) but hopefully that will get much better.

Today is Day 3 and so far, no accidents. He woke up this morning with a dry bed and has pee-peed in the potty several times. Fingers are crossed that this method has "clicked" and he is in the home stretch of being officially potty trained. YIPEE!

1 comment:

  1. 3 days for potty training...that's amazing! I will have to contact you about this method soon after Landon turns 2 (December).

    Way to go Chase!
