Sunday, August 23, 2009

3 Day Potty Training....YIPEE!!!!!

Well the time came...potty training! I really had doubts when I was pregnant that I would be successful at potty training a little boy. I was confident that everything else would be somewhat similar to a girl (maybe), but potty training for some reason scared the dickens out of me. Well just a small 2 years later, I was ready to be put to the challenge, for real. I often thought I would wait until Chase was 2 1/2 years old, around Christmas break, but seriously who wants to worry with that around the holidays. Not me. Since I am just working part-time for now, I thought "what better time to train him." I spoke to another girl and gathered information from her on the research she found in potty training. I was very interested in training Chase in 3 DAYS and low and behold, she had the info on that research.

Rich and I read the book, took Chase to pick out his own underwear, and bought groceries so we wouldn't have to leave our house the entire weekend. We started on a Saturday morning. When Chase woke up, we ate breakfast and I talked to him about how he was wearing his last diaper. After breakfast, we walked upstairs to meet Daddy in Chase's bedroom. I changed Chase's diaper and let him pick out the first pair of underwear. Of course he chose Thomas the Train. Daddy had a large trash bag and we told Chase he needed to throw away all of his diapers. He complied and had no remorse!!!!

The first day, Chase had approximately 6 wet accidents. The second day, approximately 4 accidents. The third day, no accidents. He has only had a couple here and there, but most of those are getting used to waking up at night to go potty. We did NOT use pull-ups at night. Once we threw out the diapers, they were GONE!! He has been trained for daytime and nighttime. I am extremely proud of Chase! He was fully potty trained at just 25 months old :o)

We started with lots of clean underwear just in case it was a long process!

He looks so different in undies

Throwing away all of my unused diapers!!!!! What a big boy!

His sticker chart! We also rewarded him with mini M&M's, dollar tree prizes, Ring pops, and some cars.

The 3 day method encourages LOTS of popsicles, juice, water, etc.... make them go as often as possible....that's why it's best to stay home for 3 consecutive days!

I just love these Bert and Ernie undies. He looks so skinny in them. I promise he eats all the time :o)

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