Sunday, January 31, 2010

Christmas with B's Family

We traveled to my mom's house on Christmas Day to see everyone and eat some delicious food. Wow! It was a bit crowded and somewhat chaotic, but isn't that what the Holiday Season is all about! It was great to see the boys excitement to open presents. They are slightly spoiled :)

*above* Jackson- he was so cool and happy the entire visit. He cooed to everyone and laughed a few times. What a sweetie!
*below* Bryson- he loves being silly with his Aunt B!! He just warms my heart and gives me the bashful look when I approach him. He is such a cutie!

Chase is standing in front of the Christmas tree and presents and I'm sure he's wondering why he can't turn the tv on.... haha!! That's my sweet, lovable little boy!!!

Bryson and Chase received large remote control cars from Granny!!! They loved racing them up and down the hallway!!!

Bryson was so excited that Aunt B, Uncle Richie and Cousin Chase gave him some of his Thomas the Trains he wanted!!!

Chase loved his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and his Thomas the Train 5 pack!!

Krystal and I gave Mom a photo blanket of her 3 boys for Christmas!!!

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