Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sadie Reese

This will mark the first official post for Sadie.
{I will at go back and add her "life happenings" at a later date}.

It's hard to believe that my baby is now two years old. What? When did that happen? I believe the events of us selling our home in NC and moving to FL completely trumped the last year. My mind was focused on the details and discomfort of moving away from our family and friends, more than it was enjoying and living in the moment with my two children. 

Sadie Reese is full of life, just like her brother. She is a snuggle-bug, a silly-willy, a strong, independent firecracker, a smart and inquisitive little gal, and a brown, bright-eyed lovable daughter and sister. 

Her are a few pictures of her yesterday at SkyZone Trampoline Park. 
Doing her jig. Please be jealous of these moves or else you will hurt her feelings. Seriously, this is not a joke. You do not want the emotional wrath of Sadie... She will fall to the floor and pout. It's a girl thing! We cannot take her seriously. Ever. She's just too cute! 
The above picture displays her love for fancy attire. I knew we were going to the trampoline park, so I selected shorts for her to wear. She insisted this black dress she wore earlier that morning before nap time. She also likes to pick out her bows, bloomers, and shoes. I assist when things appear awfully mismatched. 
The game was dodgeball, not keep away, youngin!! She was the ball hog. 

The peanut tires easily. We often call her, "old lady". Seems fitting. 

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