Daddy and his little man! Chase really looks up to his Daddy and considers him a jungle gym!

I'm not sure how he would have survived without his mommy this week. I swear the only thing I heard the whole week was, "Mommy hold you" and "My hand" (with a strong accent)--meaning he wants to hold my hand. He does this in the car, on the couch, when he falls asleep, when I push him in the stroller....well now that I think of it, there's not a time during the day where he doesn't want to hold my hand. I guess you could say, he's a Mommy's boy and I am truly blessed to have a little boy who loves and depends on me for so many things!!!!
what a sweet boy! i know you just love him to pieces. you are getting a big ol' kiss in that last picture....love it!
That is so sweet that he wants to hold your hand. What a loving, tender-hearted little boy!
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