Monday, December 1, 2008

Animal Sounds or Names?

Chase knows all his animal sounds. We are really proud of him. The catch is every time he sees an animal on tv, in person, or a toy he calls it by the sound the animal makes. For instance, if we go to Walmart and browse through the grocery section he recognizes the big cow poster in the milk section and says, "moo, moo, moo!" He thought the camel in our nativity set was a horse and he continued pointing at it and saying, "neigh, neigh, neigh!"


  1. That must be so exciting to hear Chase make these sounds! I've been working really hard to teach Landon the animal sounds everytime the opportunity arises, but so far all he does is laugh! He tried to say yogurt and cracker today though...:)

  2. Such a smart fella! Its really great that he knows all the sounds!!
