Friday, August 28, 2009

Bryson's 1st Overnight Stay!

Last Friday night was Bryson's first spend the night with us. We had a great time!!!! Chase normally stays with him at my mom's but we wanted Bryson to have a chance to be with us. From what we hear, they are usually "all boy" or "rambunctious" at my mom's house, but they were awesome for us. I knew in my mind I had to keep them busy....with "kid friendly" activities. I picked both boys up on Friday at 3pm and we headed to Greensboro. Once we got home they immediately ran for the back door....not a bad idea, I thought. They played for about 30 minutes and then we changed clothes, played inside for 20 minutes and then headed to McDonald's for dinner and more playtime. Both boys did incredibly well at dinner...they ate like it was Thanksgiving :o) Chase enjoys the McDonald's Play Place a lot, but the last time we went with Bryson to play, he refused and cried if you tried to help him inside to play. This time was much different. Once he saw Chase get down and head towards the ladder, he did his sign for "all done" and was right behind him. They played for 30 minutes and then we headed to our neighborhood park and then home for a quick Krispy Kreme doughnut!!! FUN FUN! Our goal was simple: let them have fun, get tired, get sweaty....lead to a smooth bedtime :) Bryson and Chase did enjoy themselves at the park too! Once we got home, we headed to the bubble bath to wind down and cool off. Brush teeth {check}, Lotion {check}, Potty {check}, Kisses {check}, Slumber Party bed set-up {check}, 2 tired boys {check}!!!! Bryson and Chase slept through the night like little angels, while I cuddled and tossed and turned in between them.

Rise and Shine: Chase woke up around 7:30am and Bryson at 8:00am! What a beautiful day in the making. We had breakfast, got dressed and headed to the Greensboro Children's Museum for more fun! They enjoyed themselves until 11:30 and then it was off to Ci-Ci's Pizza for lunch! YUM! More sleeping angels....they both fell asleep for nap within 5 minutes and slept over 2 hours! YIPEE! Then Bryson's Mommy came to pick him up.... can't wait until our next sleepover!

2 sneaky boys

Stuffing their mouths with doughnuts and leftover happy meals

2 happy and lovable boys

one wild hairdo = one happy little Bryson!

Bryson took a cup full of water and dumped onto Chase.....

and again.... notice that Bryson isn't really wet yet.....but Chase is soaked. I just placed them in there and took a couple of pictures, but Bryson started bath time early :o)

But Chase sought revenge quickly. This was their only battle the entire time Bryson was here...and this was a happy fighting or whining, just 2 giggling overly tired boys!

One freshly cleaned soft toddler bed for our guest and one pumped up air mattress for the host

Chase serving Daddy pizza at the museum

Bryson was very excited to see the train exhibit at the museum

Such a gender appropriate moment!! We stayed in this gross motor area for about 20 minutes while they climbed, jumped, ran, etc...

Chase knows his Mommy's weakness....CAKE!

Bryson working on painting with stencils

Yes, that's my child who still enjoys eating paint. I just don't get it?!


  1. The picture with Bryson's crazy hairdo is adorable! You really know how to capture the kids in pictures at the best moments.

  2. I love my boys and their playfulness. Great pics from the expert in capturing the moment.
