Friday, August 28, 2009

Children's Museum....the place to be

Chase and I made one more day visit to the Children's Museum before he has to start school soon. Chase was very excited to go in and play with the train exhibit. Unfortunately, this wasn't the most pleasant trip we have had there. Two young boys made an awesome train track that all of the even younger boys were interested in touching. The worst part, the two boys who made the track used *all* the track that was available in this area. Chase really wanted to play with Toby the train and drive him along the train track. Chase made his way over to the boys, but they weren't very nice to him or any other child that approached the area. The over protective Mommy that I am, resolved this situation quickly. In the end, we had a great visit to the museum and we topped it off with a trip across the street to check out library books and DVDs.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it just urk you when someone's doing something that you know hurts your kid's feelings! I can't stand it...even if it is being done by another child who probably doesn't know any better. I still just can't stand to see someone hurt my baby's feelings! This happened a couple of times to Landon at Busch Gardens!
