Friday, August 9, 2013

Melbourne Beach, FL

On Thursday, August 1, 2013 the kids and I followed Uncle Vince + family to Melbourne to visit Rich's family at the beach. Unfortunately, Rich went returned back to work this day, so he was unable to travel with us. The kids and I had a great time visiting. The beach was less crowded than Clearwater Beach, which is located on the Gulf. Melbourne Beach is on the east coast. The water was frigid!  We were spoiled by the water temps at CWB two days prior as well as the calm current. Melbourne was more rough. The saying is, "the cooler the ocean water on the east, the further away the hurricanes will be". After hearing that, I'm okay with the cold water. Frankly, I will just stay put on the sand. Here are some pictures that I captured during our visit! 

Chase loves the ocean. He enjoys jumping the waves and running around. He's not much on swimming in it, but neither is his momma.

Back and Forth.
100 times. Maybe more!

These guys paid us a visit! 

You know, just napping face-down on the sand. No biggie!
This face. This sand-covered face. I think she tasted it hence the mouth and look of disgust! {insert: natural consequence}

I don't think I'm covered enough, mom.
{throws up more sand}
NICE! She had a shower, using body wash, at the beach before we loaded up, another shower at Aunt Kimmie's, another one the next day and still found sand on the 3rd day in her ear! Whoa!

Having a turkey SAND-wich. Yum. Crunch. Yum.
Such a wonderful big brother filling up his sister's water bucket. 

Rocking to her own beat! She was attempting to snap her fingers.
So long, Melbourne! We will meet again!

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