Thursday, August 8, 2013

Whip Cream Treat

Starbucks. Just another reason we love Target. The kids love Target because they enjoy popcorn from the cafe and a free cookie from the bakery! Makes grocery shopping for this momma a lot less stressful. I love grabbing a Starbucks when we leave. {I enjoy it during nap time}. Here lately the kids have been getting a whip cream treat from the barista. Chase doesn't care for it, but that doesn't surprise me. Sadie lucks out and gets two. She calls it, "I Kem" for ice cream. A few pictures to showcase their treats!

She was ecstatic! 

He enjoyed the smell, but never tasted it. He knows what he likes and doesn't cave with peer pressure! Thankful for his firm stance on so many things!! Hoping he continues being this way for a long time! Love that about him!

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