Tuesday, September 30, 2008
End of the Month=BIG blowout!!!
After dinner Chase was swiffering the kitchen and then Mommy saw the back of his pants. GROSS! What a huge blowout! I did the sign for potty and then told him to go upstairs....check him out.

Hearing Test
Everyone knows Chase loves a good ol' wagon ride, so he didn't fail us when we went for his hearing test and had to wait in the lobby. The first visit we had with the ENT dr. at the beginning of the month Chase fell in love with this little wagon. Although it's not for riding, he sure weaseled his way inside and insisted we pull him around. The wagon is actually for mega blocks, but you can't tell that to a 1 year old. I had my phone to snap some cute pics.

I guess the hearing test went okay. Mommy and Daddy had a misunderstanding on the phone before the visit and so Mommy was running late. ugh! Daddy thought Mommy would meet him and Chase at the Dr.'s office and Mommy thought Daddy was picking her up on the way. This would ONLY happen on a day when something is planned, right? When Mommy arrived a sign was on the door saying "audiologist test in progress"~Ugh I said! I waited outside the door for about 10 minutes and they were all done. The audiologist said he didn't quite look in the direction of each sound she made, but that when she fluctuated her voice he looked. She said not to be worried because it's really hard to test the hearing of a 1 year old. She took pictures of the ear and said it seems to be clear of fluid. I guess we are still scheduled for tubes on Thursday, October 16th.
Monday, September 29, 2008
"Paint Day"=100th BLOG!
I can't believe we have found over 100 things to talk about in a short few months, but with the busy life we live, I guess I'm not too surprised! Chase had a great time at Co-op this morning, especially during the painting activity. All of Chase's friends enjoyed themselves and many of them tasted the bright orange liquid. We are so thankful the paint is nontoxic! We love these messy activities. They make for some great pictures! I'm just mad I took the Sony instead of the Nikon...ugh. Next time!

Before the actual activity Chase found a paintbrush and paint lid. He liked placing the brush through the hole. "Gotta love the big paint shirts!" They look SO adorable on these little kids!!

"Paint a little....."
Before the actual activity Chase found a paintbrush and paint lid. He liked placing the brush through the hole. "Gotta love the big paint shirts!" They look SO adorable on these little kids!!
"Paint a little....."
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Relaxing Time at City Lake Park
Thank goodness for the sunny day at the Park. Since last week when the rain started we have been couped up inside. That's pretty hard when you have a 15 month old little boy who needs to expend his energy on a regular basis. Our best friends Dave and Marie met us at the Park today with their little girl, Kaylyn. I think Chase and Kaylyn enjoyed the weather and the ability to run free from one piece of play equipment to the next. It started to sprinkle half way through our visit...I thought, "you've got to be kidding me," but it stopped and we were able to stay the full time!

Kaylyn loves wearing her 'super sassy sunglasses'~ they are so precious on her!

What a big boy! Check out his cool hair from the static!
Kaylyn loves wearing her 'super sassy sunglasses'~ they are so precious on her!
What a big boy! Check out his cool hair from the static!
"Where a Kid Can be a Kid!"
Our 4th time to Chuck E Cheese and boy was it SO SUPER busy! Yesterday we planned to take Chase to Fall Fest at UNCG, but with all the rain we've been getting we decided against the idea. We opted to get Chase out of the house regardless of the weather, so off to Chuck E Cheese for a Saturday night dinner. Yummy! There were so many birthday parties so Chase had many things and people to keep him entertained. He loved watching the show. Trust me, this was an easy opportunity to stuff his belly :) He probably would've sat there the entire visit, but Mommy and Daddy wanted to play the games too~and then, he realized they had basketball! Whoo Hoo his favorite!

All the good tables were occupied, so Chase sat on the table to watch the show before the pizza arrived.

Having a dinner date with my Mommy
All the good tables were occupied, so Chase sat on the table to watch the show before the pizza arrived.
Having a dinner date with my Mommy
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just because I'm SO cute!
Picking a Winner!!!
Chase was daydreaming during dinner. He didn't eat too much on his own. He only smeared it all over his face~~that is not unusual for him! During dinner, he decided to "pick a winner." Although he didn't get anything, it was still gross to look at! Hahaha! He thought it was sooooo funny, so he kept doing it. I think he forgets that his nose holes are there all the time. Every blue moon, he will put his finger up there as far as it will go and laugh. It's like he's discovering it for the first time every time.

Are we ruining dinner???
Mommy picked Chase up from school during his afternoon snack. Although I stayed in the classroom and let him sit on my lap to eat his snack, I don't think he ate quite the same amount as he would if I didn't come early. So when we got home he wanted to be held, what's new?? I was holding him in the kitchen as I put away our lunchboxes and he grunted and pointed to the counter. Well there were lots of things in the snack bowl, so I figured he wanted something (i.e., banana, snappea crisps, raisins)....NOPE. He grabbed the sour patch kid bag. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! He only had one the other night when I was on the phone and didn't do much to it except lick the sour stuff off. I let him grab one. Of course, he licked the sour stuff off until his hands were soaking wet and super sticky! Then he gave it do our dog, Chloe. She sure loved it. He then pointed back up to the counter and grunted.....he wanted another one. I figured I would give one more to him so this time I could run upstairs to grab the camera! Good thinking Mommy! He did the same thing this time too! He must like the taste of sour! Thank goodness he brushes his teeth about 15 times before bed! I guess he was really hungry though because he eyeballed an old Gerber crunchies can on the dryer that was to be placed in the recyclable can and whined. I gave him a bowl of crunchies while I fixed dinner.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
No Pictures! BUT with a good reason
Mommy hasn't had the time for too many pictures this week. Poor blog~haha. Daddy has been out of town for a couple of days now. Thank goodness he comes home tomorrow. We sure do miss him being around!! Mommy actually consumed dinner while standing over the stove holding Chase tonight. This was the only night I didn't already have our dinner prepared when he came home from school. I had such a busy day and was only able to get the dishes washed in between my visits. So Chase had a delicious dinner. And Mommy, not so much. She had Chef Boyardee~am I in College again? Whew...what a supermom she has been this week :) and not to mention he won't let me out of his sight! However, Chase has made so many leaps and bounds this week. He has been pointing to all the "big trucks" and saying, "buck or tuck"~I have to admit, the first time I heard him say it, I surely thought it was a bad word. LOL! But he continued to point to every truck that went by and said, "buck/tuck" over and over again. He has been playing with his Thomas the Train set and watching a Thomas show that I recorded. He says, "hain" for train. It's very cute. Hopefully he has gotten used to the character and will be receptive to Thomas in a couple of weekends when we go visit him. He's also been trying new foods and eating better at school and home this week. I think the eating has replaced his napping at school. The longest nap he has taken was 1 hour and 20 min. Poor teachers! He's definitely crashing out no later than 7:20 for Mommy, so I can't complain! More pictures to come soon!! Keep checking back!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sour Patch Kid
Daddy bought Mommy some yummy treats last week. They included Starburst and Sour Patch Kids. Tonight after dinner I was on a very important phone call and Chase started whining to be picked up, so I gave in. I had been snacking on the Sour Patch Kids off and on after dinner and left the open bag on the counter. While I was holding him, he reached to get one himself. I laughed hysterically before he even placed it in his mouth. I guess you could say I was envisioning what facial expression he would make. My camera was all the way upstairs and I surely didn't want to miss the moment, so these "dull and blurry" pictures are from my phone. Chase laughed each time he put it up to his mouth. He was imitating Mommy! **Off the subject, he said, "buck" for truck today!

Monday, September 22, 2008
My Mobile
When Chase started pulling to stand and decided to chew on his crib....we had to fix things quick! We took the mobile down and used cardboard and big thick towels to wrap around the crib sides and tie with twine. Sounds pretty ghetto huh? I admit....it is and Mommy hasn't been thrilled about the nursery since. But Chase still finds time to play with the mobile each night before bed. At least it's getting some love.
My favorite thing during nightime routine!
This is Chase's favorite thing to do during his going to bed routine....squeeze the toothpaste on his toothbrush and suck it off. He does it over and over and over....I'm sure I will need to search for toddler toothpaste in bulk pretty soon.
*these pics are slightly blurry because I didn't use my good camera...ugh!

*these pics are slightly blurry because I didn't use my good camera...ugh!
Monday Night is for watching Football
Although Daddy is not home, Mommy still got stuck watching Monday Night Football. After dinner, Chase stood at the front door and watched 15 neighborhood kids playing football in front of our house. Mommy got his red car buggy so he could have stadium front row seating! He loved it, but he would have much rather played than watched. Mommy did let him out of the car, but he ran right into the street in the middle of all the boys. He chased whoever had the ball for about 5 minutes. They were so gentle when he was around.

It's Official
I just made Chase's appointment for ear tube surgery. I feel so indifferent about the decision. I remember his first ear infection like it was yesterday. It was last New Years Eve and he was diagnosed with his first double ear infection. Rich and I were so quick to say, "He's never getting tubes." We felt it was unnecessary to even think about it since it was the first infection. After a couple more ear infections throughout the winter months, tubes became a part of our daily lingo. "Should we do it, should we not.....etc..." I would say at Chase's 1 year checkup was when we felt strongly about getting tubes. This made the second checkup (9 mos. and 12 mos.) where Chase couldn't get shots, so we were a little upset. Each time we were given more antibiotics and a 2 week later appointment for shots. Needless to say, the doctor has benefited from our co-pays :) Since Chase's consultation visit at the ENT a couple of weeks ago, we have encountered 2 more ear infections. Poor pitiful little baby. He is now on his 2nd antibiotic.....I have to wonder if it's even working anymore? Well maybe it is, the doctor gave us a different one. Chase goes back to the audiologist on September 30th at 4:00 for a hearing test and for us to find out the details about his October 16th tube surgery. Keep him in your prayers please.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
How Sweet! Chase LOVED walking Chloe back home!
On the way to the school to play, Mommy walked Chloe and Daddy pushed Chase in his red car buggy. During our playtime, Chase found the leash and wanted to put it on Chloe. Mommy and Daddy didn't realize he really wanted to walk her. When it was time to leave the school, Mommy put Chloe's leash on and we let Chase walk instead of riding in the buggy. He grunted and reached up to the leash. Mommy tried to hold the leash with Chase, but that's not what he wanted. He wanted to do it all by himself. I was nervous because I thought he would let go of it when she started walking fast and then it would hit Chloe. Chloe was so good....she walked slower than usual and Chase was a pro-walker! It was the most precious thing we'd ever seen. Thank goodness I'm a part of the parent paparazzi and carry my camera to all our destinations!!!

Chloe is running really fast from Chase!

Such a big boy walking his lil' pup!
Chloe is running really fast from Chase!
Such a big boy walking his lil' pup!
Have you ever seen such a dog???
Afternoon at the School Playground
Rich and I took Chase and Chloe on a walk to the Elementary School in our neighborhood for some fun! We love going to play on the playground there. Chloe enjoys being free and sniffing out the property and Chase enjoys......well just being Chase a.k.a "a silly boy on the loose." He loved the slides and the steps. Each time he went up the steps, he said, "tep" and when he went down, he said, "tep." After 20 minutes he found Chloe's leash and carried it around the rest of the time. He chased her around the playground trying to put it on her.

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