Wedding Day!!! "We're going to the chapel...."
Can I just start off by saying, "Chase you are amazing and you WERE such a TROOPER!!!" Saturday, the wedding day, was such a l-o-n-g day for little Chase! He woke up around 7:15am got ready and we joined Rich's family for breakfast at IHOP. Very delicious I might add. We waited awhile before we actually got a table and Chase was getting antsy. He made it through breakfast like a champ, so we decided to take him to Triangle Town Center to play in the play area. This is the same play area we visited before when Chase decided to learn to slide "head first!" Well he didn't miss a beat, he picked up right where he left off :) After playing, Rich dropped me off in Youngsville to meet up with the bridesmaids for hair and makeup. Chase stayed with daddy. Rich said Chase fell asleep in the car on the way back to Raleigh (40 min)..........WELL let's just say that was the ONLY nap he had ALL day!!!!! He went back to hotel room ran daddy ragged, ate lots of snack and gave daddy a hard time when he had to put on his very adorable wedding attire. Rich and Chase arrived at the church around 3:15pm and I watched Chase while the guys took pictures. This was kind of difficult because he joined me in the dressing room where all the girls were primping and putting on their dresses. Thank goodness he's only 1, right? He admired our friend Cindy as she brushed our niece Haylie's hair. Chase loves hairbrushes and sure thought he should have that one as well. One of Rich's aunts tried to brush and "hairspray" Chase's hair....he ran away laughing! After I got dressed, I took Chase back upstairs for Rich to watch him while the ladies took pictures. Then the wedding started. Thankfully, Rich's uncle and girlfriend watched Chase in the balcony during the ceremony.... Chase made a few cute remarks and laughter and definitely enjoyed going up and down the stairs. I think he gave them a run for their money :) After the ceremony we stayed around for pictures....LOTS of pictures and Chase was beginning to get fussy. Remember, he only had a 40 minute nap and it's already 6:30pm and no dinner! We all piled into the limo, including Chase!!!! Wow, his 1st limo ride (25 passenger excursion). Can I just say, "sauna!!!!" Oh my goodness, Chase was dripping was so hot in that thing and we rode around for 30 min. before arriving at the hotel for reception...... to be continued!!!!
watching the girls get ready...he definitely needed his paci the majority of the day
Getting sprayed with hairspray
Our Family!!
Chase so serious....mommy's protector???
You can tell he was hot
The mommy and daddy
These pics are great. You have a beautiful family!
You must be so proud. What a beautiful, happy family!
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